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Iranian UAV downed in Ukraine contains western technology


evandrorigon/ /iStock/Getty Images Plus/Getty Images

On Jan. 4, a Ukrainian intelligence assessment obtained by CNN reported an Iranian UAV, downed in Ukraine last fall, contained technology from companies in the United States and other western countries. The White House has since launched an investigation as to how the technology — including semiconductors, GPS modules and engines — were obtained by Iran.

The components removed from an Iranian Shahed-136 UAV totaled 52, 40 of which were manufactured by 13 different U.S. companies. The remaining components were manufactured by other western companies and companies based in Japan, Taiwan and China.

The United States monitors exports and imposed restrictions and sanctions to prevent Iran from obtaining components for UAVs. CNN reports officials are now looking to enhance enforcement of the sanctions and are encouraging companies to monitor their supply chain, as well as identify third-party distributors who may be re-selling the technology to Iran.

U.S. companies are not alone in having to closely monitor their supply chains. U-blox, a Swiss semiconductor company, made a statement reinforcing its company policy, which bans the use of its technology in weapons. This was after u-blox GNSS modules were reportedly found in Russian UAVs.

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