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5th GNSS Raw Measurements meeting set for May 17

Image: GPS World; outdoor, Andriy Solovyov/Shutterstock.com; indoor, Rade Kovac/Shutterstock.com

Image: GPS World; outdoor, Andriy Solovyov/Shutterstock.com; indoor, Rade Kovac/Shutterstock.com

\Registration is now open for the fifth GNSS Raw Measurements Task Force meeting, which will take place on May 17. Participation is online, where participants will gain access to Task Force members’ experience and learn about progress on using raw measurements in Android devices.

The aim of the EUSPA’s Raw Measurements Task Force is to bridge the knowledge gap between raw measurement users. The meetings of the task force are a key element in this effort, providing a forum for stakeholders to share experience and knowledge around raw measurements use.

Following a welcome address from Fiammetta Dianithe, EUSPA’s head of Market, Downstream and Innovation (MADI) Department, the opening session will include a keynote presentation from Google`s Frank Van Diggelen and Mohammed Khider. Updates on EGNSS opportunities from the Galileo programme will be provided by members of the MADI team.

After the break, the agenda will be dedicated to presentations from Task Force members, targeting their innovative work using raw measurements. The last session focuses on testing results and implementation of EGNSS differentiators. For the full draft agenda, click here.

Join the Task Force

The GNSS Raw Measurements Task Force is dedicated to promoting a better and wider use of GNSS raw measurements.

Since its launch in 2017, the task force has expanded from a handful of experts to a community of more than 100 agencies, universities, research institutes and companies. Membership is open to anybody interested in GNSS raw measurements. To join the task force, contact market@euspa.europa.eu.

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